Friday, April 6, 2007

Ubiquitous - Statement of Significance


The soccer ball; an object en masse considered insignificant. It is seen as always existing. Not only seen on a football/soccer field; it is at parks on the streets, in schools and in the most unimaginable locations. Soccer balls also hold significant sentimental value. It can bee seen resting on mantle pieces, atop trophies and on shirts.

The soccer ball is fairly simple in regards to construction. The four main components of a soccer ball are the cover, the stitching, the lining and the bladder. Consistent of pentagons and octagons the soccer ball is inflated to make a perfect sphere.

It is actually quite amazing to see the vast developments in such a simple object over such a short period of time. Spanned over 14 years of soccer I have seen many soccer balls. Back when I first began, Patterns on the soccer ball were all relatively simple designs, and very constructed. I can very much tell the age of a soccer ball judging only by the pattern on it. The designs were probably relative to the fashion period that was evident in those days. Over time and with the development of new technology, the ball has made a few massive shifts. For instance, the change from leather to synthetic lining and instead of stitching, glue was used. Before 1950 there was no such thing as a white soccer ball, nowadays that is the main colour used on most soccer balls. The soccer balls these days have intricate designs, technology claiming the ball curves more and that the ball is a true perfect sphere which slices through the wind a lot smoother. The contextual and social aspects of the soccer ball will change.

But one thing about the soccer ball, no matter what age we are in will never change; the spherical shape.

- The soccer ball construction

- Soccer Balls personal

o Social change

o Contextual change

o Physical change

- Technological change

- More….


Surfing was invented in the 1700’s by the Hawaiians; they stood or sat on wooden planks and rode across waves.

The surfboard is an object built purely for leisure. In surfing there was no competitive standard, or a requirement the surfer had to meet or thus fall behind. The surfboards currently serve an ornamental purpose, but when the perfect conditions arise; North winds and a SW groundswell and a free day, they suddenly become moving objects where people stand on and glide across the rolling waves in ecstasy.

A surf board in Australia instantly conjures up an unemployed, essentially a “bum” aurora; a surf bum as such. The movie “The Endless Summer” was very much responsible for this image. Having a surf board makes you part of a club. Whether you’re good or not every surfer has his/her story of the gigantic wave they caught. I have caught many “best waves of my life”. Being part of this club there are certain rules such as: Get the biggest wave you ever caught, double it in height in your story and use the word Gigantic and gnarly at least once. If you were dunked, something has to at least be broken, e.g. board/leg rope/bone. Every surfer’s story of the best, the biggest or longest is generally amplified!

Angelo Papageorgiou

1 comment:

Ben Hurt said...

Hey Angelo,
Thought I would let you know the soccer ball is mentioned in the book Humble Masterpieces by Paola Antonelli, (Thames & Hudson). Pip gave us photocopied pages from this book last session, but it didn't include the soccer ball. You might want to check it out. It has some good historic and descriptive info on the ball and the game.
